$30k, 12km, 8 projects, 5 countries!
On June 11, more than 60 of us took to our bikes to raise funds for African community projects through our annual Canada Africa Partnership Ride bikeathon.
Together we raised $30,000 which will be invested in eight participating projects in Kenya, Nigeria, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.
The sun was shining which made for a beautiful ride along Toronto’s waterfront trail and a lovely afternoon for a bbq picnic in High Park.
It’s always such a pleasure to get together and learn about the amazing community projects supported through the Network – it’s inspiring to see volunteers light up as they talk about their partners and the work they’re engaed with on the ground.
Learn more about the projects benefiting from this year’s ride.
Thank you to all the riders and sponsors that made this year’s bikeathon such a wonderful experience and a great fundraising success!